Why Does Class Matter? Contemplating Left praxis in a po-mo age.
I think to understand why the
politics of gender, race and sexuality are necessarily promoted as
defining the impetus on which the Left should found its program we
need to consider the effort corporate propagandists devote to
defining what society should think about and how they see those
subjects. From the corporate perspective 'gay money', 'Maori money'
or 'woman money' is indistinguishable from 'straight-white-male
money'; profit extracted from sexually, racially or gender-specific
marginalised groups is no different than profit extracted from anyone
else. As a consequence the politics of racial, sexual and gender
equality is acceptable from a corporate point of view.
This is, of course, perfectly
excellent. Discriminating against someone based on their sexual
preferences, gender or race is wrong. The problem of accepting the
corporate paradigm without question is its inherent bias against the
marginalised majority – the working class. There has necessarily
been a conscious and concerted effort to expunge class identity from
public awareness, 'working-class' has become an un-word in the
corporate vocabulary. The only time the elite allow use of the term
'working class' is when describing the history of some corporate
functionary who is promoting the interests of big business – there
is no shortage of stories gushing over the working class roots of the
likes of John Key, Paula Bennett or , the latest to draw attention to
her under-privileged past, Hekia Parata. What is not acceptable is
using the term 'working class' in conjunction with words like Maori,
women or homosexuals, these are all regarded as monolithic entities
whom tend to be represented in the media by spokespeople who conform
to corporate sensibilities.
The modern class structure being
promoted through the mainstream begins with the beneficiary then
jumps to the middle-class, which is pretty much anyone who isn't on a
benefit. This achieves the goals of marginalising those on benefits
while attempting to portray the working class as a group that has a
shared identity with the coordinator class – cleaners are
lower-middle class, John Key is upper-middle class. Anyone on a
benefit is 'one of them' and not 'one of us'.
I haven't analysed any media to see if
the term 'working class' has been disappeared in the manner I have
suggested, but I imagine if anyone were to scrutinise most aspects of
the media over the last thirty years or so they would find the use of
the term has diminished dramatically.
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